Within the Working Order you can apply a Discount and Surcharge to all products in the order. You can also apply a discount to individual products in a Working Order.
Note: If you don't see the Discount or Surcharge fields in the Working Order, then these settings are either turned off or not activated for your user level.
Company discounts and surcharges
If you'd like to consistently include a Discount or Surcharge on every order for a company, you can do so in the edit screen of that company. Set the Default Discount and/or Default Surcharge (with an optional Surcharge Label), and then Save.
When the company is selected in the Working Order, the default Discount and Surcharge automatically appear.
Order discounts
Apply a Discount to all products or individual products in a Working Order.
All products
Add a Discount to all of the products in the Working Order by going to the Order Details tab and entering a number in the Discount % field.
Individual products
Add a Discount to individual products in the Working Order by going to the Order Details tab and entering a value in the Discount % field for that product.
Tip: If you want to provide the buyer with a free item or sample with their order, set the product Discount to 100%.
Order review
If you add a discount in the Order Details tab and a discount for an item in the Products tab, then the product-level discount will override the full order discount.
For example, if you have a 20% discount on the order-level, but add a 10% discount for a single product, then all products will have 20% off, except for the single product you added a 10% discount to. This product will have a 10% discount, because the line item discount overrides the full order discount.
If you have an order with a 10% discount for one product, and no discount on the rest of the order, you will see a discount noting the average discount for the full order. However, the discount is still only applies to the single product.
Order surcharges
Add a Surcharge to all of the products in the Working Order by going to the Order Details tab and entering a number in the Surcharge % field.
Note: You can use Surcharge for a variety of reasons. As a common example, a brand may use the Surcharge field for an additional shipping cost on an order.
In the Order Review tab, the calculated Surcharge cost displays above the Order Total.