Portal Configuration

NuORDER can be configured throughout the portal to display fields that are relevant to your business. Below are the pages within the platform that can be configured to the brands specifications. If you wish to make any adjustments, please contact our support team.

Product Gallery



While the order of product filters cannot be changed, the fields that are visible as filters can be customized to allow for specific navigation through your product gallery. These additional filters would be determined by fields added to the product data. 



By default, you are able to search by Season, Style Number, Color, Name, Category and Subcategory. Further search fields that can be made active in the backend would relate to fields within the product data. 

Product Thumbnails


By default, the product thumbnail will display Name, Style Number, Color, Wholesale and Retail Pricing. These thumbnails display within the product gallery grid view. The thumbnails also display on linesheets and as shoppable hotspots on homepages and virtual showrooms. They can be configured to display up to 5 product data fields plus pricing.

Product Lists


The product list displays when the list view is enabled. Like the product thumbnail, by default the product list displays Name, Style Number, Color, Wholesale and Retail Pricing. These can also be configured to display up to 5 product data fields plus pricing.

Product Details


All information displayed within the product details tab can be configured per the brands specifications. The brand can add as many or as few details as they wish. Simple casing transformations such as uppercase, lowercase, sentence casing and proper casing.

Orders Page

The Cart


Working order line items can be configured to display additional product data fields. By default, the Name, Style Number, Season, Color, Wholesale and Retail Pricing.

Order Details


This screenshot shows the default fields that are visible on the orders page. Additional fields can be added at the order or line item level.

Orders Confirmations

Order PDF


Order PDFs can be configured to the brands preference by selecting exactly what should be displayed for each section of the PDF including company information, buyer information, order details and product information. If the brand does not want to display a certain element of the PDF, this can be turned off. 

Order Emails


Order emails can be configured to the brands preference by selecting exactly what should be displayed for each section of the email including company information, buyer information, order details and product information. If the brand does not want to display a certain element of the email, this can be turned off. 

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