Marketplace overview

Use NuORDER Marketplace to showcase your brand's products and styles, attract new buyers, and score additional sale opportunities.

Your Marketplace page

Your Account Manager will work with you to build your Marketplace page. Choose if you want potential buyers to browse all, some, or none of your products with an open or closed environment.

After your Marketplace page is created, you can update it by going to Settings > Brand Admin > Settings > Manage Marketplace Profile and selecting your Marketplace page.

Edit your marketplace page.

Make changes to your content with NuORDER's Sites Manager.

Buyers use the content in your Marketplace page to decide if they want to connect, so design your page to be a powerful and succinct preview of your brand and collection.

Closely consider the following when building your Marketplace page: Marketplace tile image, Description, and Categories. You can edit each of these when you select the i icon in the upper-right corner.

Select the i icon.

Marketplace tile image

Think of your Marketplace tile image as an invitation and design it to stand out. We recommend creating a tile that includes both an image and your logo (or brand name).

Here are a couple tile image examples.

Example tile image 1.      Example tile image 2.

The tile image requirements include:

  • File type: JPG or PNG only.
  • Image size: 360px x 360px minimum.
  • Aspect ratio: 1:1 (square image) required.


Include a Description with keywords to help retailers search for your brand (examples: merino wool, made in Australia, etc.).

Example description.


As another way for retailers to target your brand, choose up to 20 Categories (examples: by Department, by MSRP, Active/Yoga, Denim, Streetwear, Bath & Body, etc.).

To update Categories, select the i icon in the upper-right corner, and then use the arrows in each section to expand the list of options and select Categories.

Example categories.

Additional edits and publish

Check out our Sites Manager overview with additional tips on building your page.

When you’re ready to go live, use the Published toggle in the upper-right corner to publish (or unpublish) your Marketplace page.

Keep in mind that if your Marketplace page is unpublished, potential buyers can’t discover or connect with your brand.

Publish your Marketplace site.

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Brand spotlight program

You can apply for our Brand Spotlight Program to maximize your chance of being noticed by buyers looking to fill their online and physical stores with the latest products.

Every month, our Marketplace team selects brands to be featured in curated shopping destinations and weekly marketing emails that go out to over 150k+ retailers. If you're interested in being featured, reach out to your Account Manager. 

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When a potential buyer requests a connection, review the retailer's profile and decide if you want to approve, deny, or archive the request. You can also seek out potential buyers with Find New Accounts.

Connection requests

Connection requests from NuORDER Marketplace are from vetted retailers, who have undergone a strict scrutiny process and are approved by our team, after a full review of their credentials.

Manage Marketplace connect requests from the left navigation menu by hovering over Contacts and selecting Connection requests. Learn more with Manage connection requests.

Connection requests.

Find new accounts

Seek out potential buyers by going to Find New Accounts from the left navigation menu. Select a category (example: Footwear), use the Search bar in the upper-right corner, or check out the retailers who recently joined and are eager to connect.

Find new accounts.

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What retailers see

When retailers access NuORDER Marketplace for the first time, they must complete a Retailer Profile, which contains key information about these potential buyers.

Retailer profile.

Buyers can use the NuORDER Marketplace to search for brands by category, department, or a keyword search. Buyers can also scroll through the library of brand tile images. 

NuORDER Marketplace.

When a buyer selects your brand, they'll review your unique page of information, where they can request to Connect with this Brand.

Note: Depending on how you've configured access, buyers may also have the option to immediately start to Shop Brand. Learn more with Open vs. closed environments.

Connect with this brand.

In the buyer dashboard, retailers can review their Brand connections, placed Orders, and a link to the NuORDER Marketplace.


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Additional resources

Check out these related Marketplace articles, including a Marketplace FAQ.

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