Creating linesheets

Creating Linesheets (aka Catalogs) is a critical step for presenting your collection and a great way to tell your brand story for the season.


The way you present your products in NuORDER helps your retailers navigate and shop through your portal. Buyers leverage Linesheets to take notes in-market and ultimately plan their buys. Brands often create Linesheets to group products (examples: Season, Immediate, or Best Sellers).

Note: See also Linesheets overview.

Linesheets page.

Create linesheets

You can create a Linesheet using 3 approaches: by first selecting products, by going to the Linesheets page, or by importing the Linesheet details.

Approach 1

In the Product Gallery, hover over a product and use the checkbox to select the products you'd like to add to your Linesheet. Use the Actions menu in the upper-right corner to select Add to Linesheet. Select Create New Linesheet, enter a name, and then select Submit.

Note: Learn more with Add products to linesheets and custom lists.

Approach 1.

Approach 2

From the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets and select Create New in the upper-right corner. Enter a name in the upper-left corner and add products with the Plus icon. plus icon in the lower-left corner.

Note: Learn more with Add products to linesheets and custom lists.

If you'd rather not start from scratch, select the ellipsis menu icon in the upper-right corner of a Linesheet and choose Clone as Linesheet. If activated, you can also Import a spreadsheet to create a Linesheet by following the steps in Linesheet imports and exports.

Approach 2.

Approach 3

You can create and edit Linesheets by exporting a template from a Linesheet, making updates to the spreadsheet, and then importing that file. Follow the steps outlined in Linesheet imports and exports.

Edit linesheets

From the left navigation menu, go to Linesheets and then select the Linesheet you wish to edit.

Name and banner

You can edit the Linesheet name in the upper-left corner and update the banner image by clicking it to select a new file. Use the trash icon in the upper-right corner of the banner image to remove it.


Select the pencil icon below the banner image to update the following Linesheet settings:

  • Make it Active.
  • Choose to make it Visible To Guest Buyers.
  • Add a Description.
  • Specify Delivery dates.
  • Include External Links.
  • Manage visibility by selecting Visible Currencies, Allowed Customer Groups, and Allowed Subteams.
  • Choose the PDF Template and Set PDF Options (example: include Barcodes).
  • Upload a Catalog Portrait Image.

Add items

Select the Plus icon. plus icon in the lower-left corner to add products, as well as image and header separators.

Edit a linesheet.

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