Assortments update: September 2024

In September 2024, we added Assortment Proposals for Brands and support for Partial Assortments in Order Intents. We’re also giving you the ability to merge duplicate products in Tile View and apply size curves to selected doors! Finally, we’ve made performance enhancements for faster load times and added multi-select dropdowns as a new schema field type! 

Assortment Proposals for Brands

Brands and Retailers can now work more efficiently together in NuORDER via Assortment Proposals! Assortment Proposals allow Brands to plan their own production and product mix, then send that plan as an Assortment Proposal to Retailers for a starting point for overall product selection and quantitative guidance. 

For more information, visit Assortment Proposals for Brands.

Order Intents: Submit partial assortments

Retailers can now send partial assortments as Order Intents to Brands! These partial assortments are the filtered view that only includes Products, Totals, Doors, Deliveries, etc. that you have selected, configured, and/or filtered in the current view of your assortment. 

For more information, visit Order Intents

Merge duplicate products in Tile View

In Tile View, you can now automatically merge multiple products with the same product ID that may currently display as duplicate images due to size variants. When reviewing your assortment, you’ll be able to visually see one product image, while simultaneously seeing the unit totals across all duplicate products. 

For more information, visit Customizing visible product metrics in Tile View

Apply size curves to selected doors in the Grid

When Manage Distribution is enabled, you can now Apply size curves to Selected doors only in addition to the existing flow of sizing All doors at the same time.  Applying size curves to Selected doors follows the same rules as Bulk distribution of units, meaning it will only allocate the Doors, Deliveries, and Attributes that are visible on the Assortment Grid, allowing you to preserve the allocation in Doors that are hidden

For more information, visit Size your assortment automatically using pre-loaded size curves

New Schema Field Type: Multi-select dropdowns

We’ve introduced multi-select dropdown menus as a new schema field type that can be configured within the Assortment Grid. This field type allows you to select one or more values within a single cell. 

Performance improvements for large data set dropdowns

We’ve enhanced the performance and load speed of drop-downs in the assortment grid for large datasets.

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