Assortments update: August 22, 2024

In this release, we added newly supported features in rollups, enhanced Saved Views, and updated other functionalities around assortments! 

Horizontal sorting of Doors by metric value in assortments, rollups and Saved Views

When working with Doors in your assortment or rollup, you can now sort Doors by any available metric, in either ascending or descending order in addition to the default Door order. When you sort Doors, they’ll sort within the lowest grouping available on the grid (e.g. If only Doors and Deliveries are enabled, Doors are sorted within each Delivery). Whatever sort configurations you select will be included in your newly created Saved Views as well for quick access in the future.

Rollups: "Count Unique" value type in Pivot Mode

When configuring Pivot Mode in the Assortment Grid, values now support Count, Count (%) and Count (unique). Count (unique) shows you the Count of unique values in a group, instead of the total Count of values in that group which may include duplicates. This feature was previously only for assortments, but is now supported in rollups as well. 

For more information, visit Pivot Tables overview

Tile View configurations save in Saved Views

When you save a view, your custom Tile View configurations now save with the Saved View. Now you can more confidently share your assortment links and know the recipients will only see the intended information.

Dropdowns in assortment grid no longer pre-populate current values

When you open a dropdown or lookup field in the assortment grid, the value is no longer pre-populated with the current cell value, allowing you to view all available options and more easily change your selection as needed. 

Removed case sensitivity on UDA field names

Because UDA field names must be unique, we removed the case sensitivity that allowed different casings of the same word. Now, UDA field names must be completely unique names, no matter the casing. 

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