Assortments update: July 25, 2024

In this release, we've made multiple enhancements across assortments, including improvements to linking SMUs, UDA field names in Tile View, Constraints, and more! 

Link SMU modal includes Color

When linking a brand product to an SMU, the preview of the product will now include the color field in addition to style name and number.

Tile View: Show renamed field display names

In Tile View, renamed UDA fields now display as their renamed value instead of UDA1, UDA2, etc., so it is consistent with the Grid.

Proposed Units metric in assortment export

When exporting an assortment, you now have the option to include the Proposed Units metric as its own column in the Excel export. If a Brand user has suggested any Proposed Units within the assortment, they can be included and viewed offline.

Minimum/Maximum numerical validation for doors when using Constraints

For retailers that use Constraints, when entering Minimum and Maximum values in the Constraints grid, validation now occurs, preventing users from entering a Minimum value that is numerically larger than a Maximum, and vice versa. 

For more information, visit Constraints in assortments.

Targets and Constraints included in JSON exports

For Retailers with Targets and/or Constraints enabled, all metrics-based targets and per-product constraints created within an assortment will now be included in the JSON integration exports. 


Contact our Support team for help or feedback on any of these new features.

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