Assortments update: March 2024 - July 2024

In the last quarter, we’ve introduced a new limited permission level within Retail Assortments called Proposer, Order Intents that allow Retailers to provide order-level data from their assortments to Brands via the NuORDER platform, Constraints in Retail Assortments, and much more! 

Proposer role for Brand users in assortments

We’re introducing a new permission level within Retail Assortments called Proposer that allows Retailers to share and collaborate with Brand users while hiding  fields that contain proprietary or sensitive retailer data. The Brand user can add products and provide quantitative guidance that make up their proposed buy.

For more information, see Single Brand assortments: Collaborating with a vendor.

Assortment to Order Intents

Order Intents allow Retailers to provide order-level data from their assortments to Brands via the NuORDER platform. This helps solve a multitude of problems such as manually removing sensitive information before sending to Brands, keeping track of assortments via email, working offline, and more! 

Brand users can access an overview of their assortments online within the Orders page of NuORDER, and can  export as needed for a more detailed view and external analysis.

For more information, see Order Intents.

Manage and Distribute with Constraints

For retailers that are configured to use this feature, you can now introduce per-product bulk allocation rules called Constraints to help you further refine how units are allocated at scale. Multi-of unit Constraints can be entered at the product level for all doors, whereas minimum and maximum Constraints can be entered at the individual Door, Attribute, Delivery, or Assortment  level. 

Once Constraints have been entered, you can configure how they’re used in your bulk distribution when allocating units across multiple locations from a door grouping or delivery. You can set Constraint tolerances and see which Doors have Constraints and which Doors have errors (units don’t meet Constraints) in the assortment grid.

For more information, see Constraints in assortments

Persist Manage Distribution Settings per-user per-assortment

Manage Distribution settings for an assortment (including distribution type, order, constraint settings) are now stored locally in a user’s browser, allowing the settings to persist between page loads and refreshes.

Enhanced Distribution Settings tooltip

The Distribution Setting chip that appears in the header now shows all distribution settings. This will allow you to easily see at a glance which selections and configurations are in use while you write units.

Sync Merchant Saved Views

You can apply newly created or updated Merchant Saved Views retroactively to existing assortments via the Sync option.

"Count Unique" value type in Assortments

When configuring Pivot Mode in the Assortment Grid, values now support Count, Count (%) and Count (unique). Count (unique) shows you the Count of unique values in a group, instead of the total Count of values in that group which may include duplicates.

This is currently only supported in Assortments but will be coming soon to Rollups as well.

For more information, see Pivot tables overview

Door controller indicates when changes are made

When you make changes in the Door controller, such as turning on select Doors or changing your Metrics configurations, then select Apply, the Apply button will then become inactive and grayed out until you make more changes, indicating your changes were applied. 


Contact our Support team for help or feedback on any of these new features.

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