In this release, we introduced Order Recap Data and enhanced Lightspeed Payments, Sizing View, and Customizations.
Coming May 2... Introducing Order Recap Data
With Order Recap Data, Brands can now configure a grouped summary of products for exported order PDFs. This configuration groups products, as well as provides a detailed table with subtotals. With this feature:
- In Brand Admin, brands can configure the grouping options, selecting product data fields and adding as many as they need.
- On the order PDF, the products are listed, based on the grouping option selections, and a detailed summary is also provided.
- On the submitted order, the products are listed, based on the grouping option selections.
Note: Contact our Support team to activate Order Recap Data after this feature goes live on May 2, 2024.
For more information, see Order settings for brands.
Payment History report and ACH updates
For brands using Lightspeed Payments, Sales Reps can now give the white glove treatment with the ability to process ACH payments on behalf of the buyer.
For more information, sign into the Knowledge base to see ACH Payments for brands and ACH Payments for buyers.
We also enhanced the Payment History report to include the Payment Method (credit card or ACH account).
Note: If you’re at a US domiciled brand using Lightspeed Payments and you’d like to offer ACH Payments, contact our Payments team at If you’re interested in using Lightspeed Payments, contact your Account Manager.
For more information, see Download a Payment History report.
Sizing View updates
When shipping to multiple locations with bulk ordering, you can use Sizing View to enter quantities by each location or for All Locations Combined.
Now, when you group by Location in Sizing View, you can use the Locations kebab menu to choose if you want to enter quantities by All Locations Combined or by Location.
For more information, see Sizing View in the Working Order and Ship to multiple locations with bulk ordering.
Customization enhancements
For customizable products, you can now add customizable products to the Working Order by selecting the cart icon from the Product Gallery or the Product Details page.
We also enhanced the description field to support complex formatting, such as bullet point lists. This enhancement ensures that instructions and important details are conveyed clearly to your buyers.
Note: Brands can contact their Account Manager if they’re interested in implementing or updating the configuration of product Customizations.
For more information, see Product Customizations (for brands) and Ordering products with Customizations.
Additional improvements and fixes
Product Gallery
- Fixed an issue causing some brands to not be able to add products to their cart in the Product Gallery.
- Fixed an issue causing incorrect filtering by inventory of available products in the Product Gallery.
Product Details page
- Fixed an issue causing product availability to increase when a user over-orders in multiple deliveries.
Product Customizations
- Optimized customization configuration screen by anchoring the product preview image, ensuring it remains visible while navigating selectable options.
- Fixed an issue causing EZ Order line items to not display inventory amounts when sent from non-prebook catalogs.
- Fixed an issue causing products to not display in EZ Orders when sent from a campaign or catalog.
- Fixed an issue causing a 500 error when a buyer, who’s connected to multiple companies, saved their order as a draft without selecting a company.
- Fixed an issue in Sizing View causing custom saved views to not persist after navigating to another page then returning to the cart.
- Improved rendering performance when scrolling in Sizing View.
- Fixed an issue in Bulk Orders allowing users to enter product quantities into inactive modes (e.g. By Location).
- Fixed an issue causing the Product tab in the cart to not load highlighted information for oversold products.
- Renamed the Sizing View option Paste quantities to similar sizes to Paste quantities by size across cart for clarity.
- Fixed an issue with custom integration Customization Companies Loader causing errors and failed company uploads around the legal_file field.