Brand update: March 5, 2024

In this release, we launched an early access version of ACH Payments! We also made enhancements to the Sizing View (beta) in the Working Order, custom fields, and Customizations.

ACH Payments

We introduced an early access version of ACH Payments! With ACH Payments, buyers can pay for orders using securely stored bank account information. Fully integrated with our payment process, buyers only need to add their bank details once, and then select this payment method during checkout or when paying from an invoice.

If you’re at a US domicile brand using Lightspeed Payments and you’re interested in offering ACH Payments, then contact our Payments team at

Brands interested in using Lightspeed Payments can contact their Account Manager.

ACH Payments.

For more information, sign into our Knowledge Base to see ACH Payments for brands and ACH Payments for buyers.

Return where you left off

While you’re logged in, if you go to a screen outside of the Working Order’s Sizing View (beta),  your configurations (such as columns and filters) will remain in place when you return. Your configurations will revert to the default if you refresh the page or log out, but you can always save your configurations as a View for future use. 

For more information, see Sizing View in the Working Order (beta).

Custom fields

If offered by the brand, the Working Order’s Sizing View (beta) now supports offering product lookup and dropdown custom fields (for example: Sleeve length). 

Note: Brands can contact Support to add custom fields to the Working Order.

Custom field in Sizing View.

For more information, see Sizing View in the Working Order (beta).

Link to edit Customized products

Customizations allow you to offer products with adjustable options, such as embroidering text on a backpack, specifying the color of a shirt and its collar, and more.

If offered by the brand, the Sizing View (beta) now includes a link to Edit Customizations, so buyers can make changes to product customization selections before placing the order.

Note: Brands can contact their Account Manager if they’re interested in product Customizations

Edit Customizations.


For more information, see Sizing View in the Working Order (beta) and Ordering products with Customizations.

Additional improvements and fixes


  • Fixed an issue in the Products tab or the Working Order that wasn’t allowing users to select multiple product schema fields.
  • Fixed an issue causing over-order highlighting to disappear after switching tabs when the user tried ordering more than available.
  • Fixed an issue causing differences in door quantity between XLS file in the order submission email and the actual order.
  • Fixed an issue causing unexpected order-splitting for products not listed in the inventory data.
Advanced Pricing

  • Fixed an issue causing over-order highlighting of sizes after changing warehouses when the user didn’t over-order.
  • Fixed an issue causing products to be missing in the Order Review tab in bulk orders without quantity by doors.

  • Fixed an issue causing the inventory data importer to accept replenishment inventory templates that don’t match the correct format.
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